BABA Membership & Benefits

BABA Membership

BABA's Mission

The mission of the British-American Business Association is to encourage trade, investment and business cooperation  between the United Kingdom and the United States, in particular by facilitating association among British and American members of the business community of the mid-Atlantic region and by providing an effective organization in which members can work together to further their business interests.

The Membership

From airlines, aerospace, and technology firms to banks and hotels, BABA's membership reflects the diverse economy of the region, including large US and UK corporations with operations in the mid-Atlantic region, as well as many small and medium-sized enterprises.

Why Join BABA?

Our members join for a variety of reasons. The primary reasons are for networking and business development. 

Member Benefits

As a member of the British-American Business Association, you also gain the benefits of the British-American Business Council, a transatlantic business network of more than 2000 companies in 22 major cities throughout North America and the UK. Your primary BABA membership benefits, depending on your membership level, include:

  • Access at prevailing member rates to the full-range of BABA events (including at other BABC chapters' events in the UK and US).
  • Introduction to British Embassy contacts through a face-to-dace meeting with industry specific sector person.
  • Updates on major trade/economic policy issues/trends.
  • Industry-focused committees that provide programs and information on such sectors as Defense, Aerospace, Transportation, Security, Energy, Environment, Finance and Health.
  • Online Membership Directory - exclusive access via password to the Association's private online membership directory of all BABA business members and contacts.  Identify and develop business with clients, vendors and business partners and share your business description with members.
  • Introduction to the BABA membership via the Newsletter digital publication.
  • Personalized programs for Small Business members offering the opportunity to promote services/products to other members.
  • Breakfast, Luncheon and Evening programs featuring a broad range of high-level speakers from industry and government.
  • Informational seminars on current business issues such as: immigration; defense and homeland security; finance; healthcare; trade policy; and energy and environment issues.
  • Social events such as: wine soirees, whisky tastings, annual Christmas Luncheon, rooftop networking evenings, British Embassy Drinks Parties and black tie dinners.
  • J1 Visa Program: Bring qualified employees into the Unites States for training and work experience, in a smooth, swift, and cost-effective way. (only available to company members)
  • Participation in the British-American Business Council (BABC), the largest transatlantic business network with 22 chapters located in the US, UK and Canada.
  • Quarterly Association Newsletter.
  • Joint programs with other local bilateral associations

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Join or Renew your BABA Membership

BABA's Membership Categories

Corresponding annual dues, are as follows:

Platinum Member - $10,000:

Platinum Membership is reserved for a select group of leading multinational companies, and offers them unprecedented access to a customized program of exclusive networking, promotional and business opportunities in addition to the regular benefits of membership in the Association. This category is limited to a small group of key members.

Additional Benefits

In addition to all the Sponsoring, Corporate and general membership benefits, Platinum Members enjoy:

  • Platinum $5,500 Sponsorship at Gala Christmas luncheon (Table of 10; seat at head table with The British Ambassador; multiple company recognition)
  • Opportunity to promote your company's event (three per year) through our online database. (must be approved by the BABA Office).
  • Prominent fixed logo and web link on BABA website Homepage
  • 1/2 page in every other quarterly Newsletter and four emails/social media blasts per year on your news/press releaseses/webinars
  • Logo placement in email footer of all outbound market.event emails
  • Opportunity for one of your senior executives to introduce/promote your company at a BABA event.
  • Priority access for your CEO or senior executive to exclusive inviation-only BABA events with high-level UK or US Government officials
  • Exclusivity of level, limited to a small number of key members

 Join or Renew your Platrinum Membership

Sponsoring Member - $2,500:

For companies that want to maintain a high profile in the UK-US business community. This category entitles a select group of company executives to participate in high-level networking programs and includes additional benefits as well.

Additional Benefits

In addition to all Corporate Membership benefits, Sponsoring Members also enjoy:

  • Invitations to special private events
  • Recognition in Association literature and publications
  • Pre-event receptions with high-profile speakers.
  • Prominent scrolling logo and Web link on homepage of BABA website
  • Opportunity to promote your company's event (two per year) through our online listserve. (Must be approved by the BABA Office).
  • Greater overall visibility

Join or Renew your Sponsoring Membership


Corporate Member - $800:

For large firms with more than 10 employees. In this category, as many employees as desired can participate in the Association's activities.

Corporate members enjoy:

  • Access at prevailing member rates to the full-range of BABA events including other chapters' events in the UK and US.
  • Access to updates on major trade/economic policy issues/trends
  • Introduction to the BABA membership via the Newsletter print publication
  • Quarterly Association newsletter by mail
  • Full details in the online Membership Directory, accessible only to members
  • Company/orgname in the website Membership Directory
  • Link from "Membership Directory' to your company/org website.
  • Access to the J-1 Visa Assistance Program
  • Ability to plan an event, develop a topic, and provide speakers
  • Opportunity for one employee to join a committee to influence events and membership aspects
  • The license to display the BABA logo on your webiste
  • Opportunity to promote your company's event (one per year) through our event notices and social media (must be approved by the BABA Office)
  • Your company promoted through the BABA Social Media Platforms
  • Ability to sponsor pre-planned BABA events

Join or Renew your Corporate Membership


Small Business Member - $300:

For small firms with no more than 10 employees.

Small Business Members enjoy:

  • Access at prevailing member rates to the full-range of BABA events including other chapters' events in the UK and US.
  • Access to updates on major trade/economic policy issues/trends
  • Introduction to the BABA membership via the Newsletter print publication 
  • Quarterly Association newsletter by mail
  • Full details in the online Membership Directory, accessible only to members
  • Company/Org. name in the website Membership Directory
  • Link from 'Membership Directory' to your company/org website
  • Access to the J-1 Visa Assistance Program
  • Ability to plan an event, develop a topic, and provide speakers
  • Opportunity for one employee to join a committee to influence events and membership aspects

Join or Renew your Small Business Membership


Individual Member - $175:

For individuals affiliated with the government; retirees or those who do not desire to advertise their company affiliation. No access to the British-American Business Council database (a listing of over 2,300 contacts) under this category.

Individual Members enjoy:

  • Access at prevailing member rates to the full-range of BABA events including other chapters' events in the UK and US.
  • Access to updates on major trade/economic policy issues/trends
  • Introduction to the BABA membership via the Newsletter print publication (Individual's name only)
  • Quarterly Association Newsletter by mail 

Join or Renew your Individual Membership

UK Associate Member - $225:

This non-voting member category is for organizations and individuals in the UK interested in forging business or professional ties in the Greater Washington region.

UK Associate Members enjoy:

  • Access at prevailing member rates to the full-range of BABA events including other chapters' events in the UK and US.
  • Access to updates on major trade/economic policy issues/trends
  • Introduction to the BABA membership via the Newsletter print publication
  • Full details in the online Membership Directory accessible only to members(under development)
  • Company/Org name in the website 'Membership Directory'
  • Link from 'Membership Directory' to your company/org website

Join or Renew your UK Associate Membership


Young Professional Member - $35:

(Renewable each year for three years.) For young professionals beginning their careers with an interest in British and American relations. No company affiliation is listed.  No access to the British-American Business Council database (a listing of over 2,200 contacts) under this category.

Young Professional Members enjoy:

  • Access at prevailing member rates to the full-range of BABA events including other chapters' events in the UK and US.
  • Access to updates on major trade/economic policy issues/trends
  • Introduction to the BABA membership via the Newsletter print publication (Individual name only)

Join or Renew your Young Professional Membership


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